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Areas of expertise


  • Former conducting officer of JP Morgan AM Luxembourg.

  • Active in ALFI and ILA Committees related to Risk Management and Fund Governance.

  • A regular speaker on ALFI Roadshows, Luxembourg for Finance missions, seminars and conferences as well as participation courses or conferences organized by ILA, ALFI, the ‘big four’ firms, and law firms in Luxembourg.

  • Represented the Luxembourg Fund industry at meetings with regulators in South America.

Phone: +352 422 611 111

Mobile: +352 621 270 015

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  • Graham is an Independent Director and holds a portfolio of various mandates of regulated and unregulated companies in Luxembourg. Graham retired in 2016 as a Director and Conducting Officer (CO) of JPMorgan Asset Management in Luxembourg after a career of more than 40 years in financial services. He moved from London to Luxembourg in 2001 as Head of Risk Management for JPMorgan covering the Luxembourg SICAV and UK OEIC fund ranges and was a director of the Luxembourg Management Company from 2002 until retirement. As well as being Head of Corporate Governance he has held CO roles with responsible for Portfolio Risk Management, Fund Distribution and Investment Management. He has been active in working groups at CESR/ESMA, EFAMA, ILA, and ALFI related to UCITS, MiFID, PRIPS, Risk Management, and other industry issues. In retirement, he remains active with ALFI and ILA and continues to live and work in Luxembourg.

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